The Power to Change! GROUPS and INDIVIDUALS with The Power to Change!

  • At EMERJ-SafeNow, we offer equity based, community involved, violence prevention sessions for organizations and groups.We focus on serving the needs of vulnerable populations that are at high risk for violence and abuse. EMERJ-SafeNow
  • Safe-Now serves a wide range of groups including LGBTQ, Older Adults, Girls, Boys, Teens, Women, People with Disabilities and Cultures Connecting. Safe-Now
Click one of the links below to learn more!
  • At EMERJ-SafeNow, we believe violence is preventable and every person has the right to feel safe. Through our training sessions, groups and individuals learn how to incorporate EMERJ-SafeNow techniques into their every day lives.  Anonymous
  • Working with Carolyne Haycraft of EMERJ-SafeNow enabled me to view life through a new lens. A truly eye opening experience for people of all ages, shapes and sizes!Maria Banchik Sensei, 5th Degree Black Belt