
EMERJ-SafeNow offers year-round developmentally appropriate interactive sessions in the form of programs, workshops and camps (summer only) for underserved youth and children. All sessions aim to promote healthy behaviors and choices and are designed to build on individual and community strengths. EMERJ-SafeNow incorporates an equity and trauma-informed lens to address issues related to violence and personal safety.

Learn more about our Approach and Care-defense.Violence prevention strategies for youth who identify as boys, or whose gender expression is male,  usually require a different set of skills to youth who identify as female.  Sessions for boys focus on mindfulness, building emotional strength and communication skills, respecting boundaries, healthy relationships as well as appropriate non-physical and physical self-defense skills, designed to meet the age and background of the boys participating.

Sessions  are usually taught in 1-3 hour modules and are generally  6-8 sessions in length depending on the needs of each community or organization. Sessions are developed in collaboration with participants and their famiiles/parents/caregivers/schools or organizations. Sa fe-Now offers a sliding scale for payment and scholarships, as needed by each family community or organization. Sessions can be adapted to meet Oregon Common Core Standardsfor child sexual abuse prevention, sexual violence prevention and promoting healthy sexuality. Read more