Older Adults

Workshops, presentations and on-going sessions for older adults

Sessions for older adults focus on the skills identified in prior  listening sessions or meetings with the population request our services. Workshops  focus on building trust and safety for sharing information  and collaboration. EMERJ-SafeNow customizes the personal safety skills to meet the needs of the participants, taking into consideration past traumatic experiences, if any age and abilities of participants. EMERJ-SafeNow also collaborates with Elders in Action and the Portland Police Bureau to bring resources and services to vulnerable communities.

Topics for older adults  include:

  • The importance of  self-care and well being as self-defense
  • De-escalation and assertive communication
  • Maintaining boundaries with aggressive or unhealthy  colleagues, neighbors, family members or friends
  • Internet safety and abuse
  • Physical and non-physical skills

Workshops, programs and sessions offered year round.

To find a workshop or session near you visit our events page.  To set-up a free consultation, contact us at inquiries@emerjsafenow.org, or by phone at  503-498-8452