
EMERJ-SafeNow seeks to reframe violence  from a private problem to a community problem. We believe each of us, as individuals,  and as part of a larger community or organization, must address the impact of trauma and violence. This requires a multi-faceted and systematic approach that  promotes changes in social norms and attitudes,  while also providing knowledge, skills, and changing behaviors with individuals, relationships  and in the broader community.

To schedule a free consultation email us at  or contact us at 503-498-8452. To find an upcoming workshop or program, visit our events page. 

EMERJ-SafeNow collaborates with communities to transform lives. We believe transformation occurs by:  

  • Raising awareness around cultural and societal norms that make violence unacceptable
  • Integrating prevention and the importance of a prevention perspective for the community
  • Developing networks of leaders within the community by seeking out non-traditional leaders
  • Connecting community residents to services and informal supports when they need help
  • Strengthening informal support by creating stronger connections to formal services, community based advocacy and networks
  • Making services and institutions accountable to community needs by advocating for changes in how social institutions or organizations respond to violence
  • Changing social and community conditions that contribute to violence through forming coalitions/partnerships with other advocacy groups
  • Focusing on care for self and the community after, during and before trauma or violence has occurred
  • Identifying community strengths and gaps in services
  • Building overall community knowledge, and documenting the community’s response to violence
  • Helping communities create safer stronger communities
  • Holding abusers accountable in a way that honors their dignity as human being

Contact EMERJ-SafeNow today.